Come with your A-Game

Gratitude and Abundance - Your A-Game | Thank You | Courtney Hedger on Unsplash | Abundant Content

On a small business forum I’m on, entrepreneurs have been having a frustration/giggle-sharing thread about the proposals they’ve gotten from potential clients. Some of these proposals are absolutely riotous – even more so because at one point in our careers, many of us actually accepted these proposals – product trades, ridiculous retainers, free babysitting, jars of marijuana (disclaimer: I live in a place where this is okay)… these are some of the more gentle ones, honestly, and on surface-level, they sound more like sweet community barter than business exchange. But what’s really being said here, in many cases is, “I need what you do but I don’t want to pay you for it,” and it comes as an insult – especially when you literally witness a client spending lots and lots and lots of money elsewhere.  Eventually this process smooths itself out and clients come to you with a-game in place; but it can be a bumpy little road getting there.

More free resources: Where to get ideas for your blog

Where to get ideas for your blog | Abundant Content

A few weeks ago I posted a set of free resources for your blog, and this week I’ve compiled a few more.

Most of today’s free resources have to do with generating ideas, because (yep), I was having a really hard time coming up with some new ones. And as I mentioned in my last post, one of the biggest reasons I seem to have a difficult time drumming up ideas is because I’m terrified of just repeating what’s already been said three thousand times.

How to Spot A Player: Avoiding the Follow/Unfollow Folks

How to spot a player - Avoiding the Follow Unfollow Folks | Social Media tips | Abundant Content

Have you encountered this one yet? You look at your Twitter or Instagram and ZOMG LOOK WHO FOLLOWED ME! You get all excited because Miss Influencer with 100k followers, and who only follows 310 people, has followed YOU. Two days later, you notice you’ve lost a “follower”. If you’ve got a small chunk of followers, you might be able to determine exactly who left your little world, and maybe you suffer a little letdown because yeah… Miss Influencer has flown your coop.